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Working with Haves

Learn how to work with Core Haves including how to view details, update, share, evaluate matches and more.

Updated over 5 months ago

Haves in Matium Core represent your market supply and by tracking the haves of the companies you do business with in Matium, you can find your best buy, sell and trade opportunities.

Viewing Haves

To view all haves being tracked by your company, select Core and then Haves in the left sidebar.

By default, all active haves will be listed along with a summary of total weight, total value and total count.

Click on a specific Have to go to the detail page and to begin working with it.

Views and Filters

By default, you can view all haves (All) or only those haves where you are listed as a rep (Personal).

Narrow your results by company, material type, status, tags, material specifications, etc. by utilizing the Filters drop-down.

Click the Add New View link to save the filters that are currently set. The new view will display as an additional tab on the Haves page.


Use the Sort drop-down on the far right to find the most recent haves, sort by weight, price, expiration date, etc.

Working with a Have


When viewing the detail page for a Have, the following actions are available:

  • New Order - create a new order in Matium for this have.

  • Edit - modify the details of the have.

  • Purchase Order - generate or upload a Purchase Order for this have.

  • Share - share the have with a contact via email.

  • Copy - create a new have with relevant fields pre-populated for you.

  • Archive - archive the have if it is no longer relevant.


The Details tab provides the current status of the Have, all material specifications, location information, pricing history and suggested companies.


The offered weight along with the remaining weight will be shown.

The Status button will show the current status - Active, Expired, Cancelled or Completed. Click the Status button to update.

Material Card

The material card contains images of the material, location and price and all material specifications.

You can also create or upload a Technical Data Sheet for the Have.


View the pricing trend of the have for the last 3 months. Use the drop-down to modify how many months of data to display.


A list of all companies whose buy profile matches this Have will be shown. Click on a company to go to the detail page for the company.

Click the Create Order button to create a new trade order in Matium for this Have with the selected company as the receiver.


Start a conversation about this have with others in your company. Tag an individual or all members with a particular role at your company (Sales, Shipping, Purchasing, Accounting) using the "@" symbol.


The Matches tab will show a list of all generated matches (trade opportunities) based on active Core Needs and Network Requests that match this Have.

Use the Sort drop-down to find the best matches by overall rating, material rating, price rating, location rating or date.

Each match card provides an overall match rating, company, location, weight and price details. Hover over the match rating to view individual ratings based on material suitability, location and price.

Click on a match to view more detailed information.

Match Details

The Match Details pop-up provides detailed information including:

  • Owner, location, weight and offer price of the Core Have.

  • Owner, location, weight and target price of the Core Need or Network Request.

  • Estimated profitability of a 40,000 lb. truckload.

  • Matching fields when comparing the material specs of the Core Have with the acceptable parameters for the Core Need or Network Request.

For matches between a Core Have and a Core Need:

  • Click the Share button to share the details of this Have with the owner of the matching Need or with another contact via email.

  • Click the Create Order button to create a new trade order in Matium for this Have and Need.

For matches between a Core Have and a Network Request:

  • Respond to the request by clicking the New Offer button and send the company that sent the request an offer to buy the Core Have.


The Orders tab will show a list of all past orders for this Have. Click on an order to go the detail page for the order.

Use the Sort drop-down to sort the list by date, supplier, receiver, location, etc.


If the Have is part of a group, meaning it is part of a combo load and must ship with a specific set of additional haves, those will be shown. Click on a Have to go to the detail page for it.

Click Add to Group to add a new Have to the group.


The Documents tab will show a list of all documents related to this Have. Click the Upload button to upload a new document.


The History tab will show a generated activity log for this Have, displaying the user name and action taken by each.

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