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Working with Companies

Learn how to view and update your company list in Matium.

Updated over 3 months ago

Viewing Companies

To view a list of all your companies in Matium, click on Companies in the left sidebar.

A summary of high-level services and materials will be shown for each company, along with an indicator of how active the company has been recently:

  • Hot - Active in the past 30 days.

  • Cold - Active in the past 90 days.

  • Dormant - No activity for 90 days or more.

  • Prospect - No recorded activity.

Click on a specific company to go to the detail page and to begin working with that company.

Views and Filters

By default, you can view all companies (All) or only those companies where you are listed as a rep (Personal).

Additional filters are available under the Filters drop-down:

  • Representative

  • Location

  • Status

  • Material Types

  • Representatives

  • Archived

Utilize the Add New View link to save the filters that are currently set. The new view will display as an additional tab on the Companies page.


Use the Sort drop-down on the far right to find the newest or oldest companies or to sort alphabetically by name, last touch or next touch.

Map View

To view a map of all company locations, click on the Map icon in the upper right corner.

Click the List icon on the upper right corner to return to the list view of all companies.

Working with a Company


When viewing the detail page for a company, the following actions are available:

  • Edit - modify the company's profile.

  • New Have - create a new have with this company as the owner.

  • New Need - create a new need with this company as the owner.

  • Archive - archive the company if no longer relevant.


View or edit basic information about the company including name, legal name, website, about, etc.


Touchpoints allow you to track interactions with a customer or vendor you do business with.

  • Click Add to log a touchpoint. Enter the date of the touchpoint, any notes and the next date you plan to reach out to them.

  • The Last Touch and Next Touch date will be automatically calculated based on the touchpoint activity. However, you can always manually set either the last touch date or the next touch date by clicking on the date.

  • The most recent touchpoint will be displayed. Click on View All to view all touchpoints for the company.

    • Click the ellipsis to edit or delete a touchpoint.


A list of all company contacts is shown. Click the Add button to add a new company contact, or Edit to modify an existing contact.

Note: Once a contact is added, it can not be removed.


A company's materials list should include specific materials that the company typically has to sell. You can manually add materials by clicking the Add button. Note that materials will also automatically be added to the list as you create haves, orders, shipments, etc. for this company.

Click on an item in the list to go to the detail page for the selected material. Click on the ellipsis menu to remove a material from the company's profile.

Buy Profile

A company's buy profile should include material profiles the company typically needs to buy. Add material profiles by clicking the Add button.

Click on the ellipsis icon to either edit an existing buy profile or remove a buy profile.


The Activity tab shows recent activity for the company including haves, needs, orders and shipments.


Locations should include all locations for the company and will be used when noting the location of a have, the destination for an outbound shipment, etc.

Click the Add button to add a new location or the Edit link to edit an existing location.

Note: Once a location is added, it can not be removed.


The Documents tab will show a list of all documents related to the company. Click the Upload button to upload a new document.


The History tab will show a generated activity log for the company profile, displaying the user name, timestamp and action taken.

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