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Creating a Company

Learn how to create a new company in Matium.

Updated over 12 months ago


Companies are a core concept in Matium and should be created for everyone you buy from, sell to, or utilize for services such as shipping or warehousing. Each company includes a website, logo, legal name, list of locations, contacts, services they provide, materials they sell and profiles of materials they routinely need to buy. Companies will be utilized when tracking haves, needs, orders, shipments, etc. in Matium.

Creating a Company

Select Company from the Create New (+) drop-down in the upper right corner.

Click through each step and then click Submit to create the company. You will then be taken to the details page for the newly created company.

New Company Form


Company Name - The name of the company. Start typing and select the company from the drop-down list or manually enter the name.

Legal Name - The legal name of the company to be used in documents. Optional.

About - Notes about the company. Optional.

Website - Public website for the company. Optional.

Services Provided - Select all of the high-level services the company provides. Optional.

Materials - Select all of the material types the company works with. Optional.

Tags - Enter keywords to help identify this company. Optional.

Representatives - Associates at your company who are involved with this company.

Logo - Upload an image with the company logo. Optional.


Add all locations for the company. Locations will be used when noting the location of a have or need, destination for an outbound order or shipment, etc.

Note that an initial location will be auto-populated if you selected the company name from the generated drop-down list on the previous step.

Address - Start typing and select the address from the drop-down list.

  • Click the Edit button to manually edit an address or to enter the details of an address outside the US.

  • Note that latitude and longitude fields are required for accurate freight quotes and other location services within Matium.

Location Name - Name to help you identify this location. Optional.

Phone Number - Phone number for this location. Optional.

Shipping Requirements - The default set of shipping requirements for this location. Optional.

Default Pickup Appointment - The default appointment type for pickups - FCFS or Appointment Required.

Default Delivery Appointment - The default appointment type for deliveries - FCFS or Appointment Required.

Remit To - Check if this location should be used as the remittance location for the company.

Click the Add Location link to add additional locations for the company.


Add all contacts for the company.

Name - The contact name.

Contact Type - Select the type of contact - Shipping, Sales, Purchasing or Accounting. Optional.

Email - The email address for the contact.

Mobile Number - The mobile number for the contact. Optional.

Office Number - The office number for the contact. Optional.

Click the Add Contact link to add additional contacts.


Add any materials the company typically sells. Note that materials will also automatically be added to the company's list as you create haves, orders, shipments, etc. for the company. This information will be used to suggest companies that may be able to satisfy a need, or sell opportunity in Matium.

Material Type - The type of material.

Material - The specific material.

  • Use the drop-down list to select an existing material.

  • Click the Add New to create a new material for this company.

Click the Add Material link to add additional materials.

Buy Profile

Add any material profiles the company typically needs to buy. This information will be used to suggest companies that may be able to satisfy a have, or buy opportunity in Matium.

Click the Add Buy Profile link to add additional profiles.

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