Matches are automatically and intelligently generated in Matium to provide an overall match rating between a have or inventory item and a need. Matches allow you to find the best buy, sell and trade opportunities in your market, based on suitability of the material, price and location.
How to Evaluate Matches
Every match in Matium will provide details on the material specifications of the have and the need, distance between pickup and delivery locations, as well as estimated profitability of a 40,000 lb. truckload shipment. An overall rating along with individual ratings for location, price and material specifications will allow you to sort and rank all of your potential trade opportunities.
Moving Forward with a Match
Once you identify a match in Matium that you would like to act on, you can share the match details with the owners of the have and/or need, create a new order or position, track shipments and analyze the financials of the trade, all within the Matium platform.