Matches are automatically and intelligently generated in Matium to help you find your best buy and sell opportunities based on material offers and requests coming in from your private network. Matches are based on suitability of the material, price and location.
Only companies subscribed to Matium Core can access Network Matches. To update your subscription status, Administrators can visit the Billing area under Administration in the left sidebar.
Viewing Network Matches
To view all matches being tracked by your company, select Network and then Matches in the left sidebar.
Buy Opportunities
Buy opportunities match active Network Offers sent to your company with Core Needs your company is tracking. Each match will show the corresponding Network Offer and Core Need along with an overall match rating (0-100%). Hover over the match rating to view individual ratings based on material specification, location and price.
Match Rating - Overall rating taking material suitability, price and location into account.
Material Rating - Rating based on how close the material specifications of the offer match the material parameters of the need.
Price Rating - Rating indicating if the target price is less than the offer price (0%), the target and offer price are the same (50%) or the target price is greater than the offer price (100%).
Location Rating - Rating indicating how close the pickup location of the have is from the delivery location for the need.
Grouping and Sorting
The Group By and Sort options allows you to view either a consolidated list where only the matches with the highest ratings are shown, or to view all matches. In this way, you can easily identify the best buy opportunities based on the metric of your choosing, or you can look through all potential opportunities.
Grouping can be based on:
Network Offer - Only the matches with the highest rating for each offer will be shown.
Core Need - Only the matches with the highest rating for each need will be shown.
None - All matches will be shown for all offers and needs.
The Sort drop-down allows you to sort the list of matches and also determines which metric is used for grouping matches.
Sorting and grouping can be based on:
Match Rating
Material Rating
Price Rating
Location Rating
Newest Matches
Oldest Matches
Match Details
Click on a match to view more detailed information including:
Owner, location, weight and offer price of the Network Offer.
Owner, location, weight and target price of the Core Need.
Estimated profitability of a 40,000 lb. truckload:
Gross Profit
Freight Cost
Net Profit
Distance between pickup and delivery locations
Matching fields when comparing the material specifications of the offer with the acceptable parameters for the need.
Responding to an Offer
Within the match details pop-up, click the Respond to Offer button to counter, accept or decline the Network Offer.
Sell Opportunities
Sell opportunities match active Network Requests sent to your company with Core Haves and Inventory your company is tracking. Each match will show the corresponding Core Have and Network Request along with an overall match rating (0-100%). Hover over the match rating to view individual ratings based on material specification and price.
Match Rating - Overall rating taking material suitability and location into account.
Material Rating - Rating based on how close the material specifications of the offer match the material parameters of the need.
Location Rating - Rating indicating how close the pickup location of the have is from the delivery location for the need.
Grouping and Sorting
The Group By and Sort options allows you to view either a consolidated list where only the matches with the highest ratings are shown, or to view all matches. In this way, you can easily identify the best sell opportunities based on the metric of your choosing, or you can look through all potential opportunities.
Grouping can be based on:
Core Have - Only the matches with the highest rating for each have will be shown.
Network Request - Only the matches with the highest rating for each request will be shown.
None - All matches will be shown for all haves and requests.
The Sort drop-down allows you to sort the list of matches and also determines which metric is used for grouping matches.
Sorting and grouping can be based on:
Match Rating
Material Rating
Location Rating
Newest Matches
Oldest Matches
Match Details
Click on a match to view more detailed information including:
Owner, location, weight and offer price of the Core Have.
Owner, location, weight and target price of the Network Request.
Estimated profitability of a 40,000 lb. truckload:
Gross Profit
Freight Cost
Net Profit
Distance between pickup and delivery locations
Matching fields when comparing the material specifications of the have with the acceptable parameters of the request.
Responding to a Request
Within the match details pop-up, click the New Offer button to respond to the Network Request by sending the owner an offer to buy the corresponding Core Have.
Hiding Matches
If there is a match that you do not want to consider, you can hide it so it will not show up in your list of potential buy or sell opportunities. To do this, click the ellipsis menu in the upper right corner of the match card and select the Hide option.
To view hidden matches, toggle the Hidden filter on. To un-hide a match, click the ellipsis menu for the match and select the Un-Hide option.
Note: Hiding a match will only hide it from your view. Other users in your company will still be able to view the match.