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Creating an Inventory Item

Learn how to create an inventory item in Matium.

Updated over 5 months ago

Inventory Items in Matium Core describe a specific lot of a specific material and its location, weight, pricing, packaging, and terms for shipping. Create Inventory Items for all material lots in stock at your company - and then let Matium automate the rest!

Creating an Inventory Item

Select Inventory from the Create New (+) drop-down in the upper right corner.

Enter all relevant information and click Submit. You will then be taken to the detail page for the newly created item.

Note: Inventory Items may also be created by receiving an inbound shipment.

New Inventory Item Form

Basic Information

Company - This will automatically be set to your company.

Location - The location of the item.

  • The drop-down will list all locations for your company.

  • Click Add to create a new location for your company.

Representatives - Enter all associates from your company involved with this item.

Tags - One or more keywords to help identify this item. Optional.

SO/PO Number - The sales or purchase order number. Optional.

Material Information

Material Type - The type of material.

Material - An existing or one-off spot material.

  • The drop-down will list all existing materials of the specified type.

  • Click the Add button to create a new material.

  • Select the New Spot option to create a one-off material for this inventory item.

Offered Weight - The offered weight and units.

Price - Offered price per unit.

Packaging - The type of packaging.

  • If relevant, specify the piece count and if the material will be palletized.

Notes - Any relevant notes for this item. Optional.

Inventory Group

If there are additional materials that must ship with this item, meaning this is part of a combo load, click Add Grouped Inventory to create additional Inventory Items that will be part of the same group.

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