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Updated over a week ago

Companies - The companies you do business with. Think CRM or your digital Rolodex.

Materials - These are the materials that you regularly work with and all of their unique specs.

Spot Materials - Material one offs. Basically, you don't think you'll transact with this exact material again.

Haves - A position of a specific material and its weight, pricing, packaging, location, owner company, and terms for shipping/pricing.

*These are not in your inventory but opportunities you have for other companies that you work with.

Inventory - Now these are materials that your business actually owns. Like a Have, they are an opportunity to sell a specific material. Whenever you receive an order it automatically comes over to your inventory.

Needs - A material that you or a company that you work with needs. This will get as specific as you need it to from the material specs, to price, to weight, to packaging, etc. If you typically do RFQs, Needs will replace them.

Matches - These are automatically generated and provide the match rating between a Have or Inventory item and a Need. Matches allow users to find the best trade options, based on suitability of the material, estimated profitability and location then turn them directly into an order.

Positions - Transactions that are missing either the supplier or receiver information at the time the position is created. So if you have a PO but it isn't filled, you have a position. These will automatically create Haves.

Orders - Transactions that contain both supplier and receiver information at the time the order is placed.

Shipments - You guessed it, the pickup or drop off of materials. If a Shipment is created without an order, an Order will be automatically created.

Financials - All of the income and expenses associated with a given shipment.

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